How To Use vpn Cheat On PC

Hello, pals, I want to show you guys how to use VPN cheat on your pc on these posts

If your Android phone is rooted, then download TetherNet VPN here. After installing the app, grant it root access. 

  • Now, share a hotspot from your phone to your PC.
  • Connect your VPN app
  • Open TetherNet app and tap on VPN because we are using a VPN connection
  • Tap on Hotspot because we are sharing the connection via Hotspot
  • Finally, tap on Start Connection
  • You'll get a popup message "Connection Share Through AP Hotspot"
  • Now, start browsing in full speed on your PC. It powers the whole PC. You don't need to set any Proxy on any browser. Just leave it at "Automatically Detect Settings".

But if your Android phone is not rooted, then you should make use of Pdanet.


Extract the .ex file you downloaded on your PC using your extracting app like archive, zipchiever, etc


You can connect your Etisalat Smartpak and social cheats including MTN music plus cheats on PC using PdaNet. Just follow below simple steps...
Make sure your data is ON and your Psiphon, SAS or any other app you are using is running. Then follow the below steps.

READ THIS: Get Free 500mb Data For All MTN Users

  1. After downloading PdaNet on your phone and PC, open it on your  PC, then run it on your Android.
  2.  In your Android, open the app and tick on the connection method you want to use. There are three methods... USB, Bluetooth, and WiFi connection methods.
  3. Now on you, PC, open the PdaNet app and select the method of connection you just selected on your phone PdaNet.
  4. Now click on connect on your PC

That's all, you will see network connection on your PC and you will be able to enjoy your free browsing both on PC and Android.

Then enjoy it while it lasts.

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